Have You Seen Me?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jamie & Gladys Scott: ~LostFaces~ Too?

I originally started ~LostFaces~ of the missing, as a means of aiding in the distribution of information, concerning missing children and persons. Yet I find that my perception of who a ~LostFace~ is, continually changes with time.
I have come to realize that some ~LostFaces~ are not even missing at all.

Read, and decide for yourself...
Are Jamie and Gladys Scott ~LostFaces~ Too?

Printable Poster: Free Jamie and Gladys Scott

In October of 1994, Jamie and Gladys Scott were sentenced to double life terms in prison. That's double sentences each! Neither sister had prior convictions or arrests. Three young men confessed to the robbery and implicated Jamie and Gladys in the crime.

On December 24, 1993 Scott County Sheriff's Department arrested the sisters for armed robbery. The three young men were all related and referred to as the "Patrick Men". Coercions, threats and promises led these men to turn state's evidence on the Scott Sisters. The Patrick men received lenient sentences in exchange for their testimonies.

During a confusing and obviously fabricated statement on the witness stand, testimony was brought out regarding the coerced statement, the jury still found Jamie and Gladys Scott Guilty.

During the trial the Patrick man admitted that he did not write the confession, the police did. He was threatened and told, "He would be sent to Parchman and made out of a woman". (He was 14 years old during this testimony).

In 1998, one of the Patrick Men wrote a sworn affidavit telling the truth - that Jamie and Gladys were not involved. The court never heard the affidavit!

I first read about The Wrongful Convictions of Jamie and Gladys Scott a few weeks ago. It took me this long to write a post, because I took the time to personally sift through websites, posts, and Jamie and Gladys Scott - Transcript

From The Diary of Jamie Scott
My name is Jamie Scott and I do understand there are many people out there that don't understand a lot about prison and what someone goes through in a situation such as this. Please don't get me wrong; IF you commit a crime, then you should be punished.
In the state of Mississippi, the crime chart is just crazy...
Read more of What Jamie Scott has to say

I ask this question each time an injustice happens and action from us are needed... I am puzzled about the apathy that we have when it comes to injustice. It appears that if it is not directly affecting us individually, we just aren’t feeling the pain of someone else, the loss of someone else... What If It Were You

Your assistance is very much needed to make this case public. Please read the transcripts, forward flier, sign the petition, and assist us in making this case viral! At this time we are asking people to write to the Sentencing Project to ask their assistance in this case .

Petition for Jamie and Gladys Scott

Below is a template letter that I copied, personalized, and sent to Sentencing Project.

There's a convenient contact form located towards the top of Sentencing Project. You can either write your own letter, or cut-copy and paste the letter provided below.
It only takes a minute and it could help these Sisters get justice.
Thank you for your time.

Template Letter:


I am writing to seek your assistance in helping Jamie and Gladys Scott.
We believe that Jamie and Gladys Scott were wrongfully convicted of armed robbery for which they received double life sentences in 1993.

Life sentences for a crime in which no one was murdered or seriously injured. Life sentences for a crime they didn’t commit.

According to supporter Nancy Lockhart, the transcripts state that less than $12.00 dollars was stolen during the robbery for which they were convicted.

Nancy Lockhart says that witnesses confessed during the trial that the sheriff coerced and threatened them to lie on the Scott Sisters.

They have been in prison now for 14 years away from their children and family. They really need your help.

Here is the website that contains all the information, including links to the transcripts. If you would please look them over, I am sure you will find that there is gross injustice being done to these two women. http://www.freewebs.com/nlockha/index.htm .

Once you have reviewed them, a link on the Sentencing Project website to their story would be helpful. Thank you for your time, any thing you could do would be appreciated.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such an injustice! I am sick of hearing so many people say that they are sick of hearing about all the blacks getting framed. Well its true and it is true because of people like the Sheriff in Jamie and Glady's case. It is people like this Sheriff that give Mississippi its name. I am a Mississippian and I am ashamed to say it! God bless you two and all the luck in getting exonerated. MissV