Have You Seen Me?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Search for Jaliek Update
~Jaliek Rainwalker~

The Find Jaliek Task Force is creating a database for area residents that are willing to volunteer to help search for Jaliek Rainwalker as soon as the weather and other conditions are favorable to begin searching again. This database will contain a list of volunteers who are willing to be contacted when the need for volunteer searchers arises. Volunteers must be physically able to participate in lengthy searches into wooded areas under the supervision of law enforcement officials. The task force is also seeking volunteers with rescue or search dogs.

Please go to the link and fill out the form:
signup form

As the searches are planned, volunteers will be contacted by phone to request their availability. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact the task force,
toll-free at 1-877-4-JALIEK.

NCMEC Printable Poster


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